Information for presenters:
Speakers will have 20 minutes to present their work, plus 5 minutes for discussion with the audience (for a total of 25 minutes).
A laptop will be available. If using this, the presenters are asked to bring the file of the presentation on USB Sticks and contact the chairman before the beginning of the session for the transfer.
Authors may also use their own laptop and connect it to the videoprojector. In this case, they should probe the compatibility of their material before the beginning of the session.
A PDF version of the program is available here.
The Digital Library is here.
Technical session 1: Simulation & Character Motion (chairman: N. Pronost)
Wednesday Nov. 4, 9:10-10:30
- "Quaternion Fourier Transform for Character Motions"
Kenwright, Ben;
"Using Personalized Finger Gestures for Navigating Virtual Characters" Ouzounis, Christos; Mousas, Christos; Anagnostopoulos, Christos-Nikolaos; Newbury, Paul;
- "Interleaved Cloth Simulation"
Han, Dongsoo;
Technical session 2: Fluids (chairman: J. Dequidt)
Wednesday Nov. 4, 13:30-15:15
"Implicit Incompressible SPH on the GPU " Goswami, Prashant; Eliasson, André; Franzén, Pontus;
"Brownian dynamics simulation on the GPU: virtual colloidal suspensions" Tran, Công Tâm; Crespin, Benoît; Cerbelaud, Manuella; Videcoq, Arnaud
"Evaluation of Surface Tension Models for SPH-Based Fluid Animations Using a Benchmark Test" Huber, Markus; Reinhardt, Stefan; Weiskopf, Daniel; Eberhardt, Bernhard;
"A New Force Model for Controllable Breaking Waves" Brousset, Mathias; Darles, Emmanuelle; Meneveaux, Daniel; Poulin, Pierre; Crespin, Benoît;
Technical session 3: Interaction & Control (chairman: J. Barbič)
Wednesday Nov. 4, 15:45-17:00
"Level-of-Detail Modal Analysis for Real-time Sound Synthesis" Rausch, Dominik; Hentschel, Bernd; Kuhlen, Torsten;
"Accurate Contact Modeling for Multi-rate Single-point Haptic Rendering of Static and Deformable Environments" Knott, Thomas; Kuhlen, Torsten;
"Vascular neurosurgery simulation with bimanual haptic feedback" Dequidt, Jeremie; Coevoet, Eulalie; Thinès, Laurent ; Duriez, Christian;
Technical session 4: Model Analysis & Techniques (chairman: F. Zara)
Thursday Nov. 5, 9:45-11:00
"A More Efficient Parallel Method For Neighbour Search Using CUDA" Morillo, Daniel; Carmona, Ricardo; Perea, Juan J.; Cordero, Juan M.;
Work-in-Progress session (chairman: F. Jaillet)
Thursday Nov. 5, 9:15-9:45
- "SPH for Compressible Flow using Constraint Projection"
M. Weiler; J. Bender
Poster session
- "Multiscale Co-simulation for a Phenomenological Approach"
Le Yaouanq, S.; Le Gal, C.; Redou, P.; Tisseau, J.